It may be early, but we already made a Facebook event for Civilmedia17. So if you wanna join that early @FB as well, here is the link: BTW: Please join also our Civilmedia-Fanpage! Thanks.

It may be early, but we already made a Facebook event for Civilmedia17. So if you wanna join that early @FB as well, here is the link: BTW: Please join also our Civilmedia-Fanpage! Thanks.
Dear friends of Civilmedia, We are happy to announce… CIVILMEDIA17 & MEDIANA – 15 to 17 June 2017 Salzburgs UnConference for Community Media and Civil Society in cooperation with national & international Partners CIVILMEDIA Conference – CIVILMEDIA AWARDS – MEDIANA Conference Bergstraße 12 (Kunstquartier) – 5020 Salzburg Organizers: FS1, FRO, Radiofabrik Partners: Verband Freier Radios Österreich, Verband […]
Dear friends and partners of Civilmedia, Radiofabrik & FS1 as organizers of Civilmedia decided recently to host no „Civilmedia Conference“ and „Civilmedia Award“ this year. Reasons are the necessity to relaunch Civilmedia Conference for 2017, and limited financial and human resources for the Award. Hold on for 2017, Alf Altendorf
Category: TV / Entertainment & Arts: „Nahsehen-Fernsehen“, Brigitte Vasicek, Karin Bruns, DORFTV „Kultmagazin“, Ines Hickmann, Sara Wichelhaus, Katharina, FS1 (ex aequo) Category: TV / Access & Empowerment: „maiz TV“, Maia Benashvili, DORFTV Category: Radio / Entertainment & Arts: „Arbeit süss-sauer“, Berufsschule BS HFKL, ORANGE Category: Radio / Access & Empowerment: „Grrrls on Air – Female […]
Starting Friday 8th, 21h with Open End: The legendary „Civilmedia Party“. This Year: Hot Sounds by „Klub 77 DJ Team“ Thanks to Syl Meder & Possies, this will be fun!
Category: TV / Entertainment & Arts „Delete TV“, Michael Murnau, OKTO „Architekturfestival Akku“, Andrea Seidling, OKTO „Kultmagazin“, Ines Hickmann, Sara Wichelhaus, Katharina Maier, FS1 „Nahsehen-Fernsehen – TV TV TV“, Brigitte Vasicek, Karin Bruns, DORFTV Category: TV / Access & Empowerment „NA (JA) Genau“, Ernst Tradinik, OKTO „Latino TV Austria“, Andres Pena, OKTO „maiz TV“, Maia […]
Wir bedanken uns bei allen, die Sendungen zum Civilmedia Award eingereicht haben. Und vor allem auch bei unserer Jury, die im Lauf von zwei Wochen die Einreichungen sichten bzw. hören wird. Insgesamt wurden 74 Produktionen eingereicht, im Bereich TV sind es 18 österreichische Produktionen im Bereich „Arts & Entertainment“ und 9 Produktionen aus der Kategorie […]
Dear Friends & Partners of Civilmedia, After announcing our necessary policy change concerning registration fees yesterday, we got a fast reaction from Nico Carpentier (Vrije Universiteit Brussel – Free University of Brussels). I´m thankfully happy to announce today: „University of Brussels – Cyprus Community Media Research Programme“ is sponsoring Civilmedia instead of VFROE. So we […]
Dear Friends & Partners of Civilmedia, Unluckily we had to change our policy for the Civilmedia registration. The (Un)Conference is not free anymore, we have to charge €200,- per participating organization. Let us explain the reasons for our decision: – the event has expenditures of ~€ 8.000,- (tech, catering, rents for main venue etc.). This […]