Dear friends of Civilmedia, 2015 is close, so we try to get Civilmedia15 on track ASAP. First milestone is to find a date for our conference. We still think that 2.Q 2015 – May or June – would be the best slot. Hold on, we will give more info soon Best Alf Altendorf
Archive | 2014
Thanks. It was a great time with all of you!
Civilmedia14 was great success, and I wanna thank all of you who did make this happen. We will publish asap – Presentation Materials (su. Powerpoints etc. – Photos So, CU next year in Salzburg for Civilmedia15 best alf altendorf

#civilmedia14 @ Twitter
Please use #civilmedia14 for tweets about the Civilmedia-Unconference. We will have a twitter wall at the main venue to feature your feedbacks. CU in two days @ Salzburg

Presseaussendung Radiofabrik / FS1 – 22052014: Civilmedia14: 6. UnConference for Community Media & Civil Society“ von 29.5 – 31.5.2014
Österreichs nicht-kommerzielle Rundfunkveranstalter treffen sich mit internationalen Medienexperten in Salzburg Salzburg, am 21. Mai 2014 Bereits zum sechsten Mal findet vom 29.5 bis 31.5.2014 die Civilmedia14 in der Bergstraße 12 in Salzburg statt. Organisiert von Salzburgs Community Medien, das Freie Radio Radiofabrik und das Freie Fernsehen FS1, stehen in einer UnConference mit Diskussionen, Vorträgen und […]
Civilmedia14: Download of Promotion Materials such as Jingles for Radio & TV, Posters and Banners available
Dear Friends of Civilmedia14, we switched on a download page for different promotion stuff to advertise Civilmedia14: 2 Radio Jingles (in German & English) a TV Jingle (in English) posters and web banners It would be great, if all of you with dissemination possibilities in radio, tv, web and also – for posters – with […]
Civilmedia14 – „UnConference for Community Media & Civil Society“ – Salzburg, 29.-31.5.2014, Information and Call for Proposals
Dear Friends and Followers of Civilmedia, Salzburg´s Community Media stations Radiofabrik and FS1 announce the 6. International UnConference on Community Media in May 2014. CIVILMEDIA14 29.5. – 31.5.2014 Venue: Bergstrasse 12, 5020 Salzburg Partners: Radiofabrik, FS1, VFRÖ, VCFÖ, Commit,Wissenschaft & Kunst (University Salzburg & Mozarteum Salzburg), CMFE Organized by Radiofabrik & FS1 / Call […]