The Wiki and the „about“-page has now been updated. Please register your participation and your proposed contribution in the wikiThe Wiki and the „about“-page has now been updated. Please register your participation and your proposed contribution in the wiki
Archive | general
Civilmedia 09 will take place from Nov. 5 – 7
!!! Great news !!! Civilmedia 09 is again funded through the „Europe for Citizens“- programme of the European Union and can therefore take place from Nov. 5 – 7 in Salzburg. Mark these days red in you calendar! This year’s topic is „social and technological innovation in open-access media“- further Info and the new WIKI […]
Civilmedia is European "best practice"
Civilmedia was the only Austrian project invited to the „Conference on Creativity and Innovation – Best practice from European Union programmes“ in Brussels in March. We were able to present the concept of our „UnConference Civilmedia“ at the exhibition in parallel. A great success, that (hopefully) will make it easier to get funding for Civilmedia […]
That was Civilmedia 08
Have a look at the online-documentation of Civilmedia 08. Civilmedia08 – Documentation Report on Civilmedia in Austrian public radio (in German): matrix_civilmedia
Special thanks to…
…ARGEkultur, Gunther Seiser …Touristikevents St. Johann, Max Zenz, Charly Schrottenbacher …WAVESOUND, Marcus Diess for stage, audio and light equipment
Programme Civilmedia08Programme Civilmedia08
More then 100 registered participants from 20 countries and almost 40 contributions! The programme is now online! Civilmedia 08 – The Programme
Civilmedia08 FolderCivilmedia08 Folder
For your convenience the Civilmedia 08 folder is now available in print as well as downloadable PDF-File. [Â Download Faltblatt ]Nun gibt es den Civilmedia 08 Folder; auf Papier als Printversion als auch als PDF-Dokument zum Download. [Â Download Folder ]
For actual information on Civilmedia 08 (registered participants, contributions, accomodation…) please check the wiki.
Civilmedia 08 will take place from Dec. 4-6, 2008
GREAT NEWS!!! We just got to know that Civilmedia08: „Cultures – Participation – Dialogue“ has been selected for financial support by the EC (Europe for Citizens). The Civilmedia 08 will take place from Dec. 4-6, 2008 . We hope to see you all again in Salzburg! Further information will follow soon.
Here is the „official“ written report on Civilmedia UnConference: Participation 2.0 as pdf for download. final_report_civilmedia07.pdf This is a radio report (in german, 8 min.) on the conference, broadcast on OE1 (Austrian Public Radio Station) in „Matrix. Computer und neue Medien“ on Sunday, Nov. 25, 22:30 hrs matrix_civilmedia.MP3