We published a press release summarizing Civilmedia17: @Radiofabrik: http://www.radiofabrik.at/presse/presse-aussendungen/2017/das-waren-civilmedia-und-mediana17-ein-rueckblick-presseaussendung-fs1-radiofabrik-radio-fro.html @FS1: http://fs1.tv/service/presse/presseaussendungen/2017/das-waren-civilmedia-und-mediana17-ein-rueckblick-presseaussendung-fs1-radiofabrik-radio-fro.html
Archive | general
Civilmedia17: Facebook-Event
It may be early, but we already made a Facebook event for Civilmedia17. So if you wanna join that early @FB as well, here is the link: https://www.facebook.com/events/259785441121745/ BTW: Please join also our Civilmedia-Fanpage! Thanks.
Civilmedia14 29.5. – 31.5.2014
Civilmedia14 29.5. – 31.5.2014 Bergstrasse 12, 5020 Salzburg Venues: Camerata, FS1, Wissenschaft & Kunst Partners: Radiofabrik, FS1, VFRÖ, VCFÖ, Commit, Wissenschaft & Kunst (University Salzburg & Mozarteum Salzburg), CMFE Organized by Radiofabrik & FS1
Civilmedia 2010 postponed to spring 2011
Due to several reasons we have decided to postpone the Civilmedia 2010 to spring 2011. The exact date will be communicated as soon as possible – it will be somewhere around end of April/beginning of May. The general topic will be: „Community Media for Social Change: Low Threshold – High Impact“ We are also redoing […]
Brainstorming for Civilmedia 2010 – please participate
We would like to „crowdsource“ the generation of ideas for a general topic for Civilmedia 2010. Please make proposals at http://www.brainr.de/brainstorming/show/13909 Furthermore we suggest to discuss the topic for Civilmedia 2010 with you at an online conference. Date: Mon, Jan 18, 2010 at 1400 Location: http://proj.emea.acrobat.com/david/ We will use the online conference system Adobe Connect. […]
We have now finished the final report and the documentation video on Civilmedia 09: Video: http://civilmedia09.posterous.com/ Report as pdf:civilmedia_final_report_2009 Thank you all for your active participation and see you again 2010!
Live Coverage
Have a look at the live-streams and ongoing documentation at http://civilmedia09.posterous.com/ First photographs can be found here. Created with Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.
Programme 09 online!
The draft programme for Civilmedia 09 is now online. Programme 09
The "Radiofabrik-Fest" on Nov. 7
Special tip for Civilmedia09 participants: Stay until Sunday and join the legendary annual „Radiofabrik-Fest“ on Saturday, Nov. 7 More info here
Contributions/Hotel reservations
Please register your contributions as soon as possible (till Oct. 21st, so we can prepare the programme). Please book your overnights as soon as possible (also till Oct. 21st). We already count ~50 registered participants from 15 countries